Here’s the link to my presentation on dealing with screen-time in your classroom. Feel free to contact me if you’d like any more information or ideas:)
“Less is More” – School document organisation
“Less is More” – School document organisation The transition from a school based server to a cloud based solution like G-Suite (formerly Google Apps for Education) can take many forms – in order that all staff experience positive outcomes from the outset, I have discovered a few strategies, that seem to work well. These suggestions […]
Google Summit Wellington 2017
Click Here for my presentation – you might also be interested in some of my other posts as they relate to consistency and effectiveness with school wide use of G Suite.
From Tools to Workflow to Habits
With the huge number of schools that continue to move to Google, there are many instant wins, or “low hanging fruit”. However, beyond this, further positive outcomes for school leaders, administrators, teachers and students often seem out of reach, usually for one significant reason. An ongoing attachment to low expectations coupled with outdated and […]
Great Google habits for busy teachers
One of the things I love about my job is to see teachers embrace new ways of working that save them time and also create better outcomes for their students. G-Suite Apps underpin this transformation and as teachers become more confident in using these Apps (and other Apps), their ability and willingness to collaborate and […]
Special solutions for special staff who work in special needs – Ulearn16 BO4
Kia ora and welcome to our breakout! Click here so that you can add questions Click here to see an example of a referral form The summary of our pre-conference survey is below:
Appraisal Made Easy! Ulearn 16
Kia Ora, and welcome to our taster session! You should have received an email with your logon details to The summary of your pre-conference survey is below – please take a look as it will inform some of our discussions. Please remember that the version of edupraise that you are using is a generic […]
It’s about Time – Breakout 2
Thanks so much for attending our session today – here is a link to our presentation: Remember – contact Martin if you’d like a free, 2 hour audit of how effectively your school is using technology in general and Google Apps in particular – or 0212228364 The summary of our pre-breakout survey is […]
Just a Teacher?
To be a teacher in 2016 is to have one of the most challenging, exciting and essential careers possible. What other job shapes and creates the future of our generation but also future generations? What other job can have such a profound influence on how we, as a species, deal with so many of the challenges […]
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